L.124/2017 archivi della stazione

Živa Pot / Sentiero Vivo


Živa Pot (Living path in Slovene) is a project of the Association Topolò-Topoluove, which intends to reopen, take care of and valorise the existing but abandoned paths surrounding the village, which hold the history and memory of Topolò.
Paths that are a common good, full of legends, memories, war stories, personal and collective stories of a community that has left traces there that can be rediscovered today. Živa Pot is an invitation for a respectful tourism, aware of the place and curious about its histories, but also a way to recognise the value of a geography exhausted by history and careless policies, to say the least.

The project had its first dedicated day on 16 June and will have a second meeting on 16 September 2023 (programme still to be defined). Days in Topolò between music, entertainment and landscape exploration.

Per info +39 3337610541 associazionetopoluove@gmail.com

Živa Pot is supported by Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia

The event is organized by associazione Topolò-Topoluove
in collaboration with Associazione Robida and Pro Loco Nediške Doline
and under the patronage of the Municipality of Grimacco


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Download the GPS tracks
Topolò old mill - old school.gpx
Sentiero delle rogazioni.gpx